Oldfield Consolidated Elementary

What's Happening at Oldfield


Kindness Week

For the week leading up to Valentine’s Day, we are focusing on kindness through daily challenges at school, as well as a kindness challenge for when students go home.  We are hoping that this spreads kindness and shows our students that spreading kindness makes everyone feel good. Here are the challenges for school:

Monday:  Pick someone today and tell them what you like about them.

Tuesday:  Smile at the people you see to brighten their day.

Wednesday:  Respond kindly to everyone you talk to today including yourself. Make sure you tell yourself one positive thing that you know about you!

Thursday: Play with someone new - include them at recess and/or lunch.

Friday:  Say thank you to at least one adult at school today and tell them what you are thanking them for.

(We will update you next week on the Kindness Challenges for Home to see if you noticed any of them)!

Lockdown Drill

All schools in the Halifax Regional Centre of Education have Emergency Measures Plans. As part of this plan we practice different types of drills throughout the year to be prepared for different situations if they occur.

In September, we practiced Fire Drills, Lockdown Drills and Hold and Secure Drills and prepared students to properly respond to these drills, along with how to move to a safe place.    During a Lockdown drill, the teacher and students move quietly in their classroom to a safe place and remain calm. The students remain inside the classroom until instructed by the teacher to resume their activities. Furthermore, all interior and exterior doors are locked and no one is permitted to enter or leave the building. (During a Hold and Secure Drill the students stay inside their classroom and continue with their activities. All interior and exterior doors are locked and no one is permitted to enter or leave the building).

This e-mail is to make you aware that we will be having our second Lockdown Drill on February 11.  Please be assured that lockdown drills are something that we do with sensitivity as to not frighten the children. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us.

RCMP Visit

We had a visit this morning from an RCMP officer to ensure that students are being safely dropped off.  From her observations, it seemed to go fairly smoothly and she noticed that parents were cautiously driving away.  One suggestion that she did have was for people to cross in front of the first bus rather than going in between buses.